Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happy Birthday Dear Sister in law....

Today, is my sister in-law Monique's Birthday!.

Monique, is such a loving and caring person. Always thinking and putting others before herself is just a few of her many wonderful ways!

Monique, has always been there for her brothers,and parents through the tough times! I will never forget her support and assistance while Romeo was in college! She is an amazing sister in law!

So on this day, Monique I pray for your happiness I pray for unexpected moments of joy and laughter and I pray that all your days be filled with the wonder of God’s special love for you.
Happy Birthday!!


  1. wish her Happy B~Day for me too!

  2. Sister is a very close person that we have and Happy Birthday Sister Wishes should be something really special because Sisters are so special

    We grow up with them, spend the good times and the bad ones as well together, standing strong. Don’t you think we should think of something really special when it’s their Birthday? Today in this article, I have decided to come up with some of the best lines that you can send to your beloved sister on her special day to make her smile and her day worthwhile. https://www.merrchant.com/daily/4/happy-birthday-sister/


Thank you very much for your comments!

I can be reached at MarissaSanchez100@Yahoo.com