The other day,while searching high and low for a place to take my aunt and uncle who are new "Winter Texans" I drove right past a sign right across the street from where I live that said "Valley Lemons" so, curious me I drove into a long, little, windy path that led to a brown shed, a really nice older man, and a little bit of heaven here on earth... I thought " This is it" This is where I need to bring them. I asked the nice older man who by the way sells Valley lemons, Grapefruit, Oranges Tangerines and Praline candy if he would let us walk the property his response "MI CASA SU CASA".
Now, my camera doesn't do this picture justice. This is what you see as you drive up Isn't this just breath taking?... There is beautiful landscaping everywhere!! and you immediately feel relaxed as you walk up to the lake and sit on this bench!.
Calmness and Peace is a feeling you get when walking through this property!
I think If I lived here I wouldn't care about in-doors. Just leave me here with a pitcher of Iced tea and a good book!
My aunt Licha and uncle Butch! I think they were equally impressed! The weather was gorgeous and we had a blast hanging out with them.
This little path led us to ...
And inside.....
An amazing vegetable garden! I loved it! and feel the need to come home and start one! well, maybe a smaller version..
And after walking all the property, we sat and enjoyed a nice conversation with John. what a nice man! He mentioned that it had taken him 42 years to do all this work and that he still wasn't done yet. WOW what an amazing man!
And if you are wondering if we bought any of his fruit? well, we all walked out with a bag of Valley lemons and Tangerines. I later made an excuse to go back...hey I needed more fruit.. so, I took Romeo and he loved it! I am so glad I get to live across from him.. Do you think he would notice if I brought a tiny tent and camped out? ok now I am pushing it...
If you need some fruit, and you are in my neck of the woods ~ come see me ~ I would love to take you!