Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year Resolution...

As the night falls and the count down begins, I start thinking about the wonder of the coming year and all the possibilities, what ifs and mights. I know one thing's for sure, I don't want to make a mistake and promise something that I know, I won't keep like loosing a gazillion pounds or like eating no carbs!! Instead, I want to be a better version of myself in 2013. That's it simple enough! I want to wake up being thankful for all my blessings each and every day! And If I happen to lose weight in the process.....

Thursday, December 27, 2012

My kitchen survived

All the cooking, baking, counter-top pounding, kids playing, stove top spills, refrigerator space, counter-top space,oven space, left-overs, more left-overs, sticky floors, wine spills, space for cookies, Christmas paper here and there, mexican chalupa beans on floor, dish washing, pot & pans washing, back door left opened, flies coming in, messy table, un-claimed soda's on counter, un-claimed plates outside, half eaten cookies, half bottled waters on counter, purses, cameras, presents, on counter, full trash bags, over filled out-door trash bin, ..... etc.....

I would not have changed it for the world!.... But, I am happy it's back to normal!!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Valley Lemon surprise.

After Christmas shopping last night, I get home and my husband shows me this! I got so excited. You see, this is a Valley lemon ~ not just any lemon, it's a "Valley lemon" they are so good! They are a cross between a lemon and an orange perfect for tea! They are my favorite!! I remember peeling, eating, and saving the seeds as I was coming in, I stuck the seeds in this pot. Now look! I can't wait for it to become a tree! I will definitely do a follow up post!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Awaiting Cold Front.

As I sit here and write this post from my bedroom, I have my both windows open fresh air is blowing in, it is in the low 80's here in South Texas! We are anxiously waiting on a "Cold front" that will bring temperatures way down to the 60s. Our air-conditioner broke over the week-end and we are relieved that it happened in December and not in August..
As I look out, I see the sun shinning.
The butterflies playing..
Plants putting on a show for all to see.
Sometimes thinking spring is here.
My perky lobelia plant loves to steal the spotlight.
While my porterweed bloom patiently waits for another hummingbird.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Christmas Tree Project.

Here is a fun and easy project!
All you need is...  I call it lattice wood. We got ours pre-cut at Lowe's and some wood glue..
Green spray paint..
Lights and a star.
I am adding more lights in-between, I was just so excited I had to share..

Monday, December 10, 2012


Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Christmas Mantel

Hooray I finished!! This Mantel was fun to do, up until I burned a nest while taking pictures. Just as I was starting to smell burn my husband yelled "Fire" a nest that was too close to the votive candle caught fire and was burning. I won't be turning these candles on any more...
This was easy to do! Thank heavens!! I used my old faithful garland stuck some Dollar Tree picks, Cardinals and votives. Voilà magic!!... I love when things just come together!..

I love this picture don't you?

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Preparing for Advent

With the hustle and bustle of shopping, decorating our homes, and parties to go to, we often forget the real reason for the season. This year during Advent, I plan on not doing any shopping on Sundays no matter what! I want to take this day in, relax and reflect on the days scripture readings and finally light our candle at dinner time.
Also, as a special observance of Advent, I am going to visit the Blessed Sacrament each Monday.
And thirdly I am going to confession. I always put off going to confession, but I always find myself so renewed when I finally do it.

Dear God, thank you for this season of Advent that helps us to prepare for the coming of Christ at Christmas. As we read the Bible and light a candle, may excitement for Christ’s coming burn in our hearts. Amen

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Perfect Afternoon

I am having hard time getting started on all the decorating when our weather is still so warm! Who wants to go up to the attic and hunt down ornaments,wreaths, and tangled lights?
My mind is thinking southern style iced tea with a twist of a ripe valley lemon
sitting in the porch enjoying, yet another piece of that delicious pecan pie,watching the hummingbirds sip the nectar off the fire-bush, and watching the wind blow this flag makes a perfect afternoon!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Thanksgiving Tablescape & Prayer

On this Thanksgiving Day, I take the opportunity to thank God for all the wonderful blessings he has bestowed upon us, I give him thanks for his overflowing generosity to my family, friends and me. I am thankful for the countless things he provides for us on a daily basis!
Thank you Lord for everything that you allow to cross my path and for the decisions that you allow me to make and the lessons that come from these decisions. Thank you Lord for always being with me, guiding me and listening to my prayers answered or unanswered.
For these, and all the countless blessings though out the year, I give you thanks, eternal loving God through Jesus Christ I pray. Amen.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

House love..

Anyone who knows me well, will tell you that I LOVE homes! All kinds small, big, old, new, and anything in between! Anytime we are driving and I notice a remodel or a nice curb appeal I make my husband Romeo slow down or turn around just so that I can take a good look. I, especially love times when I am driving by at night and the home owners happen to have a their drapes open and a cozy lamp on.  I love taking a peek inside don't you?

I have a small collection of pictures I have taken over some years of houses that wowed me.. this is one of them.   We have driven by this house many times just to see how the remodeling is coming along.. I wonder where all that brick is going? Isn't this just gorgeous?
I love this cute charming house! I love how clean & well taken care of this home is. Look at the wooden door just adorable!!
This beauty in La Feria, TX is located down an old country road..I love how they combined the paint colors! I wish I could have taken a better picture of this property because it had so many trees up front..all this home needs is a porch swing!
I love this house because it reminds me of my aunt Rosa's Escalon's home in Weslaco.  I remember her home looking just like this fresh cut grass and plenty of room for us kids to play. I love the manicured lawn,and the size of the lot. This is Ranch living at its finest!! I can totally see myself living here and sipping some iced tea on a hot summer day..
I just love the long winding drive-way in this home, the trees, the green grass, and the white framed windows..this house is on a huge lot!..I sound like a Realtor don't I?...I bet they have big parties here!..
Now this is curb appeal! If I could I would park my car on the curb and just sit and stare! It takes a while for you to take it all in...Landscaping is everything! It dramatically changes the appearance of your home.  This home is located in Harlingen, TX.

And I could go on and on...

Monday, November 5, 2012

Bird watching 101

Two week-ends ago, we woke up to a nice cool front and decided to go for a bike ride at Bentsen State Park. As we were leaving we noticed many professional, out of town, bird watchers with fancy cameras that had lenses a mile long we decided to stick around and see what they were taking pictures of.
Very quietly I may add... (I quickly learned that is the first rule in bird watching)
I also learned - you have to have a good pair of binoculars something I don't have.
Always remember to keep your camera steady and ready to snap all while trying to focus...
Try not to get too excited when you see a Cardinal and disturb the peace..
Patience always helps!

And if you have a GOOD EYE...
You might just spot an Owl..                       See it?
I loved taking pictures of all the birds! Aren't they neat?... I think I discovered a new hobby...oh boy..

Monday, October 29, 2012

Trey at the "pawk"

This past week I got the chance to take my nephew Trey to the "pawk" as he says it.
"Atti take me to the pawk" he kept asking me over and over!
So, off we went!
And OH BOY!!
He kept going
And going
Like the energizer bunny..
Then, he noticed ducks and water and he wanted to look for rocks to throw at the water..
And he did for about half an hour trying to hit the two turtles.. That's a boy for you!