Here we are in the holiest week of the year! So, on Saturday all those things we gave up for lent can begin again. For me instead of giving up something I started
attending a weekly prayer group at Holy Spirit Catholic Church sponsored by
GOSPA. During the start of lent we were asked to reflect each day on "The
Passion of Christ" So,In honor of this week here is a poem to reflect...
Can you imagine
How Jesus must have felt?
When Judas kissed his cheek
And the soldiers came to take him away.
While His men were all asleep?
Can you imagine?
How Jesus must have felt?
When He heard the crowds demands
When the crowd cried out "Crucify Him"
And put Him in the soldiers hands?
Can you imagine
How Jesus must have felt?
When the nail went through His hand
And He saw His earthly mother there
Unable to understand?
Can you imagine
How Jesus must have felt
When a thief called out to Him
"Remember me when You are in heaven
For You have committed no sin".
Can you imagine
How Jesus must have felt
When they cast lots for His clothes
And the soldiers scoffed
And called Him names
"King of the Jews Your lies exposed"?
Can you imagine
How Jesus must have felt
When the spear went through His side
And the skies darkened and became as
And lightening split the skies?
Can you imagine
How Jesus must now feel
When He sees the way we live
When we spend our lives in search of
Only to have, never to give?
Can you imagine
How Jesus must now feel
When He sees us turn our backs on Him
After He has sacrificed His life for us
To save us from our sins?
Can you imagine
How Jesus would now feel
If we gave our lives to Him
And worked for the good of all of us
No matter the color of our skin?
Can you imagine
What He would do for us
If all God's commandments we kept,
Not just choose the ones
The easiest to keep
But all ten we would accept?
Can you imagine
a room He's prepared for us in heaven
Where we can go and spend eternity
When our lives come to an end?
Can you imagine
How He would now feel?